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Volcaonoes National Park




Spread over the Virunga massif, and home to the awe-inspiring mountain Gorillas which have made this national park famous. Tracking the Gorillas is Rwanda's biggest tourist attraction, but this national park has a lot more to offer than that, whether it's tracking the intriguing and rare Golden Monkeys, climbing one of the Volcanos or experiencing one of the many and varied hikes and trails. All this makes it easy to see why Volcano's National park is Rwanda's foremost tourist destination.




Gorilla Tracking


Golden Monkey Tracking


Karisimbi or Bisoke Volcano Hike


Tribal Dances


Dian Fossey Tomb Hike




North Western Rwanda, forming the natural border with Uganda and Congo, around 3 hours’ drive from Kigali.




You pay a big premium for accommodation near the park, where you only have one mid-range and two luxury+ lodges, for more budget travellers you need to stay a bit further away from the park.


To read more about the accommodations available, click here:


Get in touch for more information about Volcanoes National Park.

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